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Yogurt granola and berries in a bowl

How to Mix Greek Yogurt with Granola and Berries

This was my go-to breakfast, mid-morning, or afternoon snack when I was a graduate student a few years ago. I would take my yogurt, granola, and berries mix to school and I’d be munching on it quietly as I worked on the never-ending grad school papers. I loved this combination for its yumminess but more […]

Chicken breast with veggies on a platter

Quick Chicken Breast In Butter, Garlic, and Spices

Chicken breast is the healthiest cut of the bird. It is high in lean proteins which support muscle growth and repair, and is low in calories and fat. These make it an ideal choice for a healthier diet especially for those who are watching their caloric intake. This quick chicken breast recipe is packed with […]